Simple Encumbrance for OSR
I'm working on a set of simple encumbrance rules that can work with relative ease with any version of TSR D&D or D&D retro clone. The following system owes a great deal to a bunch of "slot-based" encumbrance systems that other designers have created. It's based primarily on Ben Milton's Knave and an idea I took from Kevin Crawford's Worlds Without Number . The version presented below was written specifically for Swords & Wizardry Complete Revised . If you're adapting it for a different version of D&D, you might get slightly different results depending on how your rules handle "to-hit bonuses" for Strength. Item-Based Encumbrance An adventurer can only carry a limited amount of equipment, weapons, and treasure before becoming weighted down. Rather than track the actual weight of the various pieces of gear a character is carrying, this system counts the total number of items and uses that to measure encumbrance. For rules purposes,...